4 Signs You Need to Schedule Furnace Repair in Fairfax, VA

When your furnace experiences problems dispersing heat, your Fairfax, VA, home becomes uncomfortable. If you notice any of these four signs, you need to schedule professional furnace repair services as soon as possible.

1. Abnormal Furnace Smells

Furnaces may emit odors resembling their fuel, especially when first turned on after a long time. This odor should disappear quickly. However, if you notice a sudden odor, strong fuel odor or a continuous smell, you should call a technician right away.

2. Difficulty Starting the Unit

Older furnaces require more service than newer units. At some point, you may find it challenging to turn the furnace on and keep it running. If your furnace needs multiple restarts daily or struggles to start, it’s time for a check-up.

Sometimes, a dirty filter is the issue. A dirty flame sensor, leading to intermittent functioning of the unit, could also be a contributing factor. If a furnace struggles to ignite, have it professionally diagnosed.

3. Inadequate Heating

If your furnace is not heating your home, you need to schedule professional repair services. There are any number of things, including blocked air ducts, that can limit your unit’s ability to heat your home.

4. Discolored Pilot Light

A pilot light that displays any color other than blue signals an issue. A yellow pilot light indicates a probable ventilation problem.

There are many causes of color changes, including abnormal dissipation of carbon monoxide. If the problem is not addressed in a timely fashion, it can make your system more combustible. Improper dispersal of carbon monoxide may also result in serious health issues for everyone inside your home.

If your furnace needs repair, we have the expertise and experience that you’re looking for. Contact Vernon Heating and Air Conditioning today to schedule furnace installation or repair services.

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