3 Benefits of Good IAQ in Rockville, MD
It’s no exaggeration to say that your home’s indoor air quality (IAQ) can affect the quality of your life. We would strongly advise all homeowners in Rockville, MD to pay close attention to this critical metric. Here are three benefits of having good IAQ.
1. Good Health
If you live in a home with high IAQ, you’ll be more likely to enjoy greater health. You’ll be able to breathe easily, sleep soundly and be less likely to deal with things like coughing, sneezing and itchy eyes. Overall, you’ll experience fewer, if any, allergy symptoms and your general respiratory health will be more robust.
2. Lower HVAC Costs
If you have clean air at home, there will be fewer particulates to clog your HVAC system’s filters, coils, compressor and other important components. The upshot of this is that your HVAC system will function better in a high-IAQ environment than in a low-IAQ one.
That superior overall functioning means you will have a more efficient system and lower utility bills. It also means that your system will be less likely to break down, leading to lower repair and reinstallation costs over the long run. Of course, this won’t change the fact that you should still schedule HVAC maintenance at least once per year.
3. Fewer Allergy Symptoms
If you suffer from seasonal allergies, you truly owe it to yourself to do everything possible to maximize your IAQ. If you allow pollen, dust, dust mites or pet dander to waft around your home, you’ll likely end up coughing and sneezing everywhere, making you miserable. Even if you aren’t allergic to anything, IAQ products that can remove allergens will help you feel better.
With spring and summer allergens in the air, maintaining IAQ will be even more important than usual for residents of Rockville, MD. Call Vernon the Heating & Cooling Specialist and ask for our IAQ services today.
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